Tomas Björkman
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With the aim to facilitate the co-creation of a more
conscious society.
Hello & Welcome!
I am Tomas Björkman, an applied philosopher andsocial entrepreneur based in Europe. Throughout my life, I've been driven by a deep curiosity and a passion for uncovering the hidden structures of the world around me. My relentless exploration extends to the realms of science, human nature, and social phenomena.
My journey is grounded in a profound understandingof the pressing needs of humanity in a world that often seems to be in disarray. Consequently, I have devoted myself to try helping to foster the co-creation of a more conscious society.
Co-creating a more conscious society
We are many actively working towards positive change. My distinctive contribution lies in my ability to unite change-makers, establishing platforms and initiatives that catalyze personal and societal growth. My overarching objective is to collaboratively shape a future marked by heightened levels of individual, cultural, and societal consciousness.
My journey commenced in 2008 when I co-founded the Ekskäret Foundation with a group of forward-thinking visionaries, social entrepreneurs, and change-makers. This foundation operates under the strategic vision of "supporting a sustainable world where people create increased well-being for themselves, each other, and the planet." I firmly believe that inner development, both indiovidual and collective, is the cornerstone of societal transformation.
Under the umbrella of the Ekskäret Foundation, wehave established two prominent venues for various events, including Learning Labs and exploratory gatherings. These venues encompass the retreat facility situated on the enchanting Ekskäret Island in the Stockholm archipelago and the vibrant Ekskäret Klustret co-working space in the heart of Stockholm.
The Ekskäret Island retreat facility, welcomingits first guests in 2011, offers an awe-inspiring setting for exploring existential questions and personal growth, catering to both teenagers and adults. All activities on the island adhere to the foundational principles of the Ekskäret Foundation. Meanwhile, Ekskäret Klustret, our dynamic co-working space in central Stockholm, opened its doors in 2016.
I firmly believe that providing physical and digital meeting spaces serves as fertile ground for transformative change. By bringing change-makers together under one roof, we stimulate the exchange of ideas and creativity, leading to the co-creation of innovative initiatives and projects. This approach also expands the networks of all participating entrepreneurs and generates greater momentum for their vital endeavors.
I view these two venues as crucial incubators for collectively crafting positive transformations. They represent tangible manifestations of the belief that a more conscious and sustainable society is not only possible but attainable. We closely observe and guide the ripple effects that emanate from these initiatives.
I have taken the initiative to create K9 Co-living, Stockholm; Perspectiva Institute, London; the Co-creation loft, Berlin and the digital initiatives 29k.org/AWARE and 'Emerge': www.whatisemerging.com. Please also have a look at the initiative:the Inner Development Goals.that I'm involved with.
Together, we are on a journey to catalyze positive change and help humanity thrive.
"We live in crappy times? No. We live on the threshold to a new world. Let's give birth to it. Together."
The Love of Knowledge in Action
I am a member of the Club of Rome, a fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science and a fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Science. I call myself a philosopher in the original sense of the word: someone who loves knowledge and tries to see the big picture. I try to bridge many academic fields without, of course, being an expert in any of them; I search for the connections that form the evolving whole. You find an example of my thinking in the articles here and here; or in my books The Market Myth or The World We Create.
From a historical and material standpoint, we find ourselves in a time where the majority of humanity enjoys improved living conditions. However, the question arises: what is the true cost of this progress, and can it be sustained? Urgent issues such as climate change, economic instability, and a pervasive sense of insecurity and purposelessness are sweeping across the globe. Our society grapples with loneliness, anxiety, depression, and acts of terrorism, diverting our attention from the pursuit of deeper meaning and value.
My philosophical perspective on our world is rooted in the belief that addressing these challenges requires more than just problem-solving. Given the intricate web of interconnected issues tied to human thought and emotion, we face an even greater challenge: evolution and adaptation. I advocate for the cultivation of essential human capacities, including mental complexity, systems thinking, and empathy. Through these capacities, we can navigate the delicate balance of respecting ecological boundaries while creating societies that allow us to not only survive but thrive, leading lives rich in meaning and prosperity.
These are the reasons that I have launched the various initiatives that help people grow, such as the Ekskäret Foundation, and the youth organisation Protus among many others. I challenge myself every day in my effort to help promote these changes faster. I am a co-founders of the Fri Tanke Förlag, a publishing house dedicated to promoting challenging and ground-breaking literature which crosses the borders between science, politics, philosophy and existential issues.
Interviews and articles
This pod gives you a good overview of my thinking and doing:
Making inner, personal development accessible to largre parts of the population is a prerequisite for stable and flourishing democracies.
Some of my initiatives
My initiatives are all important parts of my life, but they have their own autonomy and have to speak for themselves. Please visit their websites.
The Foundation's mission is to facilitate the co-creation of a more conscious society. We do this by providing arenas for inquisitive exploratory meetings and lifelong learning. The Foundation creates and also supports various initiatives, conferences, seminars, courses, and more with the goal of bringing together individuals, organizations and companies in exploring and learning meetings, often with a cross-border perspective.
Ekskäret Klustret - our co-working space - is the go-to place for today's and tomorrow's society developers and change-makers. At Ekskäret Klustret, we meet and work together for the conscious development of individuals, businesses, and society. Klustret gathers curious entrepreneurs, researchers, consultants, and community stakeholders who, through their commitment and activities have the power and the will to contribute to our common vision. It is also an important arena for exploratory meetings, workshops and Learning Labs.
The Ekskäret Foundation owns and manages the island of Ekskäret (eng: where the oak trees grow), located in the Stockholm archipelago in Sweden. The development of this island was the first project of the foundation and the island is the origin of the name and spirit of the Ekskäret Foundation. Today's activities on the island are developed in close harmony with the foundation's principles.
The island provides a breath-taking venue dedicated to curious and exploratory initiatives, such as the Protus youth camps, courses in personal development and other exploratory meetings.
Established in 2008 by Ekskäret Foundation. The youth organisation Protus arranges youth camps at Ekskäret island and a few other places in Sweden. The camps are an religiously and ideologically independent alternative to traditional confirmation camps.
AWARE is a non-profit, open source, personal growth platform, combining the best science based tools with deep human connection - made available wherever you are, whenever you need it - for free. The initiative, run by the 29k Foundation, is a cooperation between the Ekskäret Foundation and the Norrsken Foundation.
Transformational Skills for Sustainable Development. The Sustainable Development Goals were created as a roadmap to a sustainable future. We are now creating the Inner Development Goals - a framework of the capabilities, qualities, and skills that are needed to achieve the SDGs. Our aim is to educate, inspire and empower people to be a positive force for change in society, in their own lives and those around them. The initiative has now got 650+ hubs world wide.
K9 is a purpose-driven real estate venture that launches and manages conscious co-living and co-working properties for global citizens. The aim is to support the development of a more conscious society.
The Perspectiva Institute, London, examines complex problems in the external world from the perspectives of our inner worlds; integrating systems, souls and society for the common good.
Co-creation loft, Berlin, is a place for new ideas, a space for personal development, a room for exploring innovative ways of working and a homebase for system changers to make a difference in society.
Emerge is an independent, non-profit media platform sowing the seeds of a new civilisation by asking the question: What is emerging? We aim to explore the emerging cultural narratives of our time by collecting useful content from across the web, profiling change makers and thinkers, publishing thought-provoking commentary and producing original videos and podcasts.The Emerge Gathering is a yearly event where the European part of the Emerge network gathers for three days of exploration. In 2018 the gathering was hosted in Berlin, 2019 in Kiev, Ukraine, and in 2021 in Berlin again.Rebel Wisdom media channel founded by BBC & Channel 4 journalist David Fuller. When our existing assumptions and ways of thinking break down, it’s the rebels and the renegades, those who dare to think differently, who are needed to reboot the system. They offer an essential and rebellious wisdom that we need to integrate to move forward.
"Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed - it’s the only thing that ever has!"
Margaret Mead, American cultural anthropologist (1901-1978)
Here you find links to some YouTube videos
Talk July 2018 at Das Progressive Zentrum, Berlin
A video series in fifteen episodes available on YouTube
As mentioned above, you can get an overview of my thinking by listening to this podcast.
The Market Myth (2016)
The market is a social construct, not a natural phenomenon, and we humans are not rational decision makers. The old models are not helping us any longer and we need to think anew around the market.
The Market Myth (2016) Fri Tanke Förlag can be bought here.
The Nordic Secret (2017)
Facilitating large scale personal development helped the Nordic countries build strong and happy democracies. Co-authored with Lene Rachel Andersen as main author.
The World We Create (2019)
The world is entering a new technological, social and global age and it is our ability to create meaning - both individually and collectively - which will decide whether we face a bright future or a tragic decline.
My story
Finding my purpose
I grew up on a farm outside Borås in Western Sweden and spent most of my adult life in cities, first in Stockholm, then in Geneva and now in London where I live today. Despite a modest background, I decided to pursue academic studies in mathematics and theoretical physics. I loved trying to understand the world from a theoretical and empirical perspective and would gladly have dedicated my life to science, but I wanted to change it too, and I became an entrepreneur.
In the first part of my professional life I worked in information technology, investment banking and property development, and started several companies and organisations. I founded Investment Banking Partners AB and was chairman of EFG Investment Bank. I am proud of what I have accomplished in business and it was an exhilarating journey, but it also changed me. I have come to see the world in a different way.
The main change was becoming more acutely conscious of what my own personal drivers are, and more conscious of the motivations and passions that I wanted to define the second half of my life. I am still animated by the entrepreneurial spirit, but feel drawn to understanding the relationship between our inner worlds and the major social and ecological challenges of our time. After many years in business I now work with social entrepreneurs and thought leaders, supporting initiatives pursuing the greater good that are grounded in research from natural and social sciences.
These activities, along with my three grown up children, give my life meaning and purpose. I feel blessed, but also focussed. My sense is that the world is at a precarious juncture and the combined challenge of understanding the world and acting effectively has never been more exacting, important and fascinating. I am resolved to do what I can to help build momentum for positive change in the world.
Research in Action
With my background as a theoretical physicist I have great confidence in science and follow cutting-edge research in a range of disciplines with a particular interest in cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology and sociology. My impression is that we have the knowledge we need to find meaningful paths through the challenges of today's complex society and overwhelming flow of information. But sadly, very little of this research reaches beyond academic circles and therefore is rarely used to help us develop a better world.
There are myriad insights in ecology, education, economics and wellbeing through which we can create better functioning societies, where everybody could thrive and lead prosperous and meaningful lives. For our children's future as well as ours, I want to help initiatives that are at the forefront of the conscious development of societies. We need to be mindful of emergence and complexity - there is only so much we can do - but let's find the courage to take an intentional stance towards the world we create together.
Research in Action
With my background as a theoretical physicist I have great confidence in science and follow cutting-edge research in a range of disciplines with a particular interest in cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology and sociology. My impression is that we have the knowledge we need to find meaningful paths through the challenges of today's complex society and overwhelming flow of information. But sadly, very little of this research reaches beyond academic circles and therefore is rarely used to help us develop a better world.
There are myriad insights in ecology, education, economics and wellbeing through which we can create better functioning societies, where everybody could thrive and lead prosperous and meaningful lives. For our children's future as well as ours, I want to help initiatives that are at the forefront of the conscious development of societies. We need to be mindful of emergence and complexity - there is only so much we can do - but let's find the courage to take an intentional stance towards the world we create together.
New Project:
Lakefront - Emerge Stockholm Campus
More information soon
Statement about The Nordic Secret
London, 27th of December 2024
In response to recent accusations on social media, I feel compelled to issue this statement about my role in the creation of the book The Nordic Secret and its relation to the Inner Development Goals (IDGs).
I founded the Ekskäret Foundation fifteen years ago, many years before I met Lene Andersen. The foundation’s original purpose was to explore the importance of inner personal development for fostering positive societal progress. Over the years, our activities have ranged from youth camps (launched in 2008) and retreats to invitational conferences we called “Learning Labs.” Information about several projects that have emerged from the “ecosystem” around the Ekskäret Foundation is available on this website. Additionally, I have authored several articles and books on topics like The Market, Societal Development, and Consciousness Development, some listed on this website. However, my most significant contributions have been co-founding around ten organisations in these areas since leaving the corporate world fifteen years ago. More details about these initiatives can be found below as well.
By the time I began collaborating with Lene Andersen in 2015, most of these initiatives were already well-established. Lene brought fresh and exciting perspectives on Nordic history and was deeply knowledgeable about Denmark’s historical folk education movement, Bildung, initiated by Grundtvig. Until I met Lene, I had not appreciated the deeper meanings of Bildung.
Conversely, Lene was, when we first met, unfamiliar with adult developmental psychology. Through many long and profound discussions—some lasting up to twelve hours—we began uncovering the similarities between the philosophical foundations of Grundtvig’s Bildung and contemporary adult developmental psychology. It wasn’t long before we decided to write a book together, aiming to bridge Bob Kegan’s theory of adult development with Grundtvig’s perspectives.
As we dove deeper into the literature and archives, the project became increasingly fascinating. To extend the conversation further, we organised a series of roundtable meetings with academics in Berlin, Leiden, and Stockholm to initiate a research-based European dialogue on human and societal development. Our source material grew substantially, and since Lene was not in employment at the time, we agreed that I would fund her for a year so she could focus entirely on compiling our shared ideas into a book. This collaboration resulted in The Nordic Secret.
We had a clear division of labour: Lene brought in the perspective of Bildung, while I brought insights from adult developmental psychology. I also took on the responsibility of funding the project, arranging the book’s publication, and I also came to do the majority of the marketing efforts. Through my efforts the book has been published in German and Ukrainian.
Lene compiled our joint ideas, research, and the outcomes of our roundtable discussions. She conducted extensive additional research, particularly into the historic German philosophical roots of Bildung and history generally, she drafted the original texts for all the chapters, which we then during weeklong stays together in London and Stockholm jointly discussed, reviewed and revised.
In the preface of the book, we explicitly acknowledged Lene’s significant contribution, and I personally thanked her for this:
“Tomas also wants to thank Lene for being the strong and tireless engine of this book project, putting in the bulk of the hard work required as the project grew beyond our original plans.”
We agreed to both be credited as co-authors of the book, and legally, we are both recognised as such. This is clearly stated on the cover of the book and in the preface. Together, we decided that Lene’s name would appear first, and that is how it appears on the book. We also agreed that Lene would receive 100% of the revenues from the book. I have to say that up until this point this project was a pure pleasure and one of the most intellectually stimulating endeavors of my life.
However, tensions arose during the book’s marketing phase. My involvement with Ekskäret, Perspectiva, Emerge, Rebel Wisdom, and the compelling nature of my “converted banker” story led to invitations for me to appear on podcasts and at events. In these settings, I consistently highlighted The Nordic Secret and always credited Lene. Despite this, Lene felt overshadowed, viewing my public efforts as a personal slight rather than a promotion of our shared work.
When I was invited to speak at the TEDxBerlin 10th anniversary event, which had 1,500 attendees, I could choose my subject freely. I chose to promote our book. Even though I acknowledged Lene’s authorship during the talk (YouTube clip), she was unhappy with the publicity I received when promoting our work.
Simultaneously, Lene clashed with both the Emerge project and Learning Labs at Ekskäret. During the first Emerge gathering in Berlin in 2018 and at a Learning Lab at Ekskäret Island hosted by Jan Artem Henriksson, Lene's interactions with several participants created challenges for the facilitators in fostering an open and trusting environment for the events. Her behaviour ultimately made it difficult for us, as organisers, to invite her to future events.
Despite these challenges, I attempted to mend our personal relationship, introducing Lene to paid work and recommending her for public appearances. I even at this time recommended her for membership in the Club of Rome.
When matters escalated further on social media in 2021 I decided to limit my contacts with Lene.
It seems clear that Lene now regrets our mutual decision to be co-authors of The Nordic Secret. However, it is a legal fact that we were both officially recognised as authors of the first edition. The last contact I had with Lene was in 2023, when she requested my permission to publish a second, updated edition under her own imprint, listing herself as the sole author. I agreed to this and I’m happy if Lene gains additional recognition with a second edition. However, I cannot accept her recent attempts to totally erase my intellectual contributions to the book and her spreading of falsehoods about me and our shared efforts on social media.
As we have both publicly stated numerous times: neither of us could have written The Nordic Secret without the contributions of the other.
While both Bildung and Adult Developmental Psychology as described in The Nordic Secret offer valuable insights into the development of human consciousness, the IDG initiative builds on neither. The Inner Development Goals (IDGs) has the overarching aim to emphasise the importance of inner growth—both individual and collective—for the benefit of humanity and the planet and does not favour any specific methods or psychological models.
Although different perspectives on inner development may seem disparate or even contradictory, they all point toward the potential for human growth. The IDG initiative aims to underscore this potential and its importance, and to be a global platform for mutual learning and exchange, not to prescribe specific methods.
In this context, the historical significance of the Bildung movement in Scandinavia—as explored in The Nordic Secret—can be seen as an intriguing historical case study. However, within the scope of the IDGs, it is regarded as nothing more than that.
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